Monday, July 26, 2010

UWRL - Begins Its Next Leg Higher

Anyone that followed my Tweet on Friday found themselves up a quick 50% this morning as UWRL popped higher, slicing through the low $.002's like a hot knife through butter. It pulled back later in the day but still performed well and looks to have started its next leg higher.

For those of you who don't follow this blog often I am usually spot on calling these breakout legs. Go back and see my charts of KATX when I called for a 500% gain in the stock on its next leg higher. I diagrammed all 3 up legs of KATX to perfection.

Today was a perfect preamble to a UWRL breakout. The volume was much higher than it has been the last few weeks. Interest in the stock is starting to grow, and investors are starting realize the value this company is providing for its shareholders. As I have said in the past there is no toxic financing going on. The share count is virtually maxed out, meaning there is no dilution going on.

While the company is out acquiring value for its shareholders, the supply of stock in the marketplace remains stable. Essentially each and every acquisition adds value without having any dilutive effects on shareholders. This is why I see this as a $.006 stock short term. When investors see the type of value they are getting for UWRL shares, they will realize the stock requires a higher valuation. That realization started today and will continue for the foreseeable future. As I said previously, this stock will surprise a lot of people, don't say the Guru didn't let you know first.

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