FULO released their annual report today showing an impressive net income of $787,000. With an outstanding share count of only 7.8 million the company posted an earnings per share of $.10. Considering the stock is trading at $.04, an EPS of $.10 should mean this stock has a lot more room to go higher before its fairly valued. We've seen low float stocks run on nothing, no news, no material events so I would not be surprised to see FULO get a nice push on their 10K filing. FULO, a low float stock with a little more than 3 million shares in the market, could see an impressive run if demand were to increase for shares. Add this stock to your watchlist.
INIX this triple zero stock is starting to heat up. It closed the day at $.0004 and looks poised to take a swing at $.0005-$.0006 or better tomorrow. This stock in the past has gotten very hot, and we could be seeing that again with INIX.
GRDO my take on GRDO was spot on last night. I called for a possible 50% rally today and guess what GRDO did? It rose exactly 50%. So here it is again, GRDO on the watchlist and what do I see? More gains of course. Remember nothing in this market is certain, and GRDO could crumble out of the gate, but after seeing the late day buying and the strong bid support I have to think $.003 is coming tomorrow. While I would love to call another 50% gain and have that figure hit, lets settle for roughly a 25% gain and a close of $.0031. I don't think that is asking too much.
IACH before the market opened I noted to my paid subscribers in the chat room that IACH was going to get a push on the pre-market news. Turns out I was right. IACH rumbled out of the gate and never looked back. It was an impressive session. With the recent IACH 10K, we were looking at a shell stock, today that shell got filled. The last time IACH saw a similar development was almost two years ago, and the stock traded from similar prices to over $.02 a share. Today IACH closed at $.003. A $.02 price would be an almost 700% move from here. In this market history does tend to repeat itself, and while I am not saying IACH sees $.02 soon, or possibly ever, I am saying that I think IACH is in the midst of a sharp rally that could see shares move much higher from here. Let's see if I'm right.
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