Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Guru

This is a repost from a recent post:

The Guru

When I started writing my blog I would get emails asking how people could get the stocks I write about first, before I put them on the blog. That is why I started my paid subscription service. My paid subscribers get a chat room, my ear, and my picks/alerts first. My free subscribers (you) get them second. As we saw with GGII there is plenty of money to be made for my free subscribers as the stock did not rally until after I alerted it here to my free subscribers.

There is the chance a stock I alert/pick won't rally. While I have a great nose for finding big gain potential stocks, not everything in this market is cut and dry. I have zero control over anything other than what stocks I pick. My picks/alerts could reverse split, dilute, or go bankrupt. I have zero control over that. What I do have control over is the way I conduct myself and the picks/alerts I make. I try to find quality active stocks that have a great chance to run. I steer clear of dormant, dead stocks. Those Q stocks there is nothing good about them. Heck if they run, by all means make your profit, but know I don't endorse promotion of them other than a trading vehicle. 95% of Q stocks, in my book, are dead, worthless, and remain that way. Of course since the threat of dilution is basically zero they've become fabulous pump schemes for those who wish to create something out of nothing. Anyway....

I am not a paid promoter. I think that alone gives me and my subscribers an edge in this market. While I think paid promotion is the nature of the beast, we all know that with paid promotion comes the eventual avalanche of promoter shares hitting the market. With my picks and alerts, there is zero compensation. I make the picks based on share structure and possible future interest in the stock. I have been quite successful recently and in the past.

Those of you who don't know me long wouldn't know my picks from last year included 1,000 2,000 3,000 and 4,000% 5,000% gains.

I am not one of those sites that claims to have done it, I have and you can ask any of my past paid subscribers or search my blog. You see sites with 50, 100, 150% gains. you see any with a 100% verifiable track record as my own? One that does not get paid by companies to try and pump up the price of their stock? My track record is far and away better than any you will come across. Name any site that has even one 4,000 or 5,000% pick or alert.... ever! Its unheard of. But to have a 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 and 5,000 in the same year? I guess that's why I am called the Guru.

I alerted EKWX at no bid and three market makers asking $.0001. It hit $.005 a share three days later. That's a 5,000% move.

I picked SSWC a bidless $.0001 stock last year and it ran to $.0044. Thats an over 4,000% move.

I picked VCTY at $.0008 and it hit $.036 a share. That's an over 3,000% move.

I picked BFHJ at $.0004 a share last summer. It hit $.0076 for an almost 2,000% move.

I alerted AWYI this past fall at no bid and 4 market makers offering $.0001 the stock rose to over $.0022 a share for a 2,000%+ gain.

The list goes on as there were others...

These are verifiable picks. Search my blog. These are stocks I felt strongly about, picked/alerted to my subscribers and wrote about on my blog for ALL to see. The picks I made were at these exact prices. I did not post these picks after that had already run. In each case EVERYONE had a chance to make money, my paid subscribers, my free subscribers and the readers of my blog. Those who listened made big money, those who didn't watched in awe. I continue to bring the same quality picks/alerts to my readers and subscribers today.

Almost EVERY site you come across, or person who claims to have success, will front run their picks. When you see a newsletter, or supposed stock picker release their picks check the history and in almost every case you will see the stock has risen even before it was released. That means you are buying an an already inflated stock. I, instead, make my picks/alerts at the bottom. Not after they have already started to run.

The past couple weeks I have alerted a few great money makers. GGII at no bid and an ask of $.0001 hit $.0005 for a 400% gain. INIX at $.0002 hit $.0012 for a 600% gain.

To elaborate further I am not like your average penny stock site. I stick behind my picks and alerts. I have one pick a month for a reason. Anyone can throw 5 stocks to a fan each day and see what sticks. Eventually you will get one that runs. I, on the other hand, don't just throw tickers out there. I do research, I analyze stocks, and I make great solid picks for my subscribers and readers. My goal is for everyone to make money, not just my paid subscribers. I also call out the bad stocks as well as the good. In this market there is plenty of bad, and not everyone is ready to let you know about it.

On Thursday my subscribers received my brand new pick. I expect a nice rally out of this stock over the coming days and weeks. I will send it out to you early next week, that's how it works. It's a quality stock with a great share structure. If my past track record is any indication my latest pick will post nice gains in the near term.

Penny stock sites are a dime a dozen. You have countless newsletters, supposed experts, who want you to sign up for their amazing picks. Before you do see how their picks have done in the past. You can stack up a hundred of those sites and none of them have the track record that I do. It doesn't take much talent to throw a ticker or two out there a day. They all pop and run at some point. To be able to pick stocks that have sustainable and profitable rallies, its not easy to do, but I've been able to do just that.

I don't advertise, word of mouth is what has slowly grown my site and service. At this stage my subscription rate remains much lower than it should be and I will address that in the near future. More importantly I derive joy out of seeing people make money and its been a joyful couple of years. If my track record is any indication then we are looking at some more very profitable years for the readers and subscribers of the penny stock guru.

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