Thursday, March 22, 2007


We have been following these stocks today: ETIM HISC DBYC CFCJ TWTR

ETIM was on 1010 wins news the other morning - The Andrew O 'Day release. This stock moves quick and for almost no reason. We felt it was going to correct itself a little more... say test the mid .003 range before heading higher. It tested high .003 range yesterday before a PR pushed it to the mid 004's. Tough to say but long term this is going much higher. Likely .02 - .03.

HISC has been on our radar for some time. .0005's was to be had recently but now it is moving back to its normal range. Wait for more news here.

DBYC a pure bounce play. Bouncing slightly form the pop a few days ago. Wait on the sidelines here too. You can get in at .0005 soon enough.

CFCJ is a PR away from a huge bounce. It moves 100% down and up at the flick of a switch. Stay away from this one for now.

TWTR always moves quickly like a penny stock should. A 26% gain is a sell. Don;t hold this one.

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