Friday, September 11, 2009


For anyone that does a little research before investing their hard earned cash, a stop at the Secretary of State can reveal some pertinent information that might not be available through other means. For instance finding out the amount of authorized shares, or a change in preferred stock. Most honest, law abiding companies will maintain a current status with their Secretaries of State. For instance GRDO (not a fabulous stock by any stretch) has an active status with the Nevada SOS.

EWRC, on the other hand, is, and has been for sometimes, default at their Secretary Of State. I was checking the SOS tonight like a kid on Christmas morning, awaiting the inevitable authorized share increase, when instead I find a "company" that is default.

Maybe while their lawyers are doing their due diligence on the $.019 offer for all 6.3 billion shares (last updated count on Pink Sheets, likely a much higher number now), they can manage to get their status current with the Nevada SOS. It's what a real company would do.

When your busy trying to maximize your 7 billion authorized shares and constructing vague and misleading two sentence "press releases" to get people to buy your stock, I can imagine a default status at the state your registered in is just an after thought.

1 comment:

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