Friday, November 13, 2009

AQUI - Can You Catch This Knife?

AQUI continues to sell-off in impressive fashion.  The time might be coming for a big bounce.  A bounce that could send this stock back over $.01. 

For now lets focus on the short term.  AQUI closed with a bid of $.0017 and an ask of $.0019.  Volume has been light for the price it stands at, meaning a little volume could push this stock back to at least $.004.

So playing the short term a bounce, after such a drop, to $.004 is almost a given.  Of course nothing is that easy... or is it?

P.S.  AQUI just recieved the current status at Pink Sheets from No Information.  You don't update the stock if it isnt't going to move, much like TYTN.

The GURU is calling the double here.  $.004 sometime next week, as early as Monday

Let us see what unfolds the next few trading sessions.

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