Monday, December 21, 2009

ANYT - Sell, Sell, Sell

I feel much like Jim Cramer of Mad Money.  A subscriber today emailed me about ANYT and I told him if I held shares I would sell.  Why?  Because the run has already happened. When a stock has already soared the risk for losses rises as profit takers are likely to sell and move on.

When you buy a stock you are hoping it runs hard and fast.  Sometimes it does just the opposite, but as long as it goes up you are happy.  When it comes to stock selection you need to find the ones that have yet to find buyers.  A stock that sits waiting for a round of buying to lift its shares.  ANYT is not the stock you want at these lofty levels.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I did not listen to this guy. I bought ANYT not in hopes of some quick run and get out. I bought it because I like what they are doing and the future looks bright. Do your own DD and then buy and hold on this one.

Anonymous said...

If you like what they are doing then you must be blind or dumb. Maneaver and manuer take you only so far. AUDITED bottom lines take you the rest of the way, of which there are none here.

Robert Wilcox said...

Buy, Buy, Buy.... yeah right. You will learn your lesson with your wallet. ANYT will fall and you will lose your money, unless you are a paid promoter trying to squeeze every last nickle out of the retail investor. ANYT is going to collapse back to where it came. Mark this post.