Monday, March 8, 2010

GOIG - The Guru's Best Bottom Call To Date $.0004 to $.0149 in Three Months

Back in late December I called GOIG's bottom at $.0004.  The stock has been on a rampage ever since. 

A $400 purchase of GOIG on my alert could have been sold today for $14,000.  Not a bad 3 month return if you ask me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't you also call for the top sell-off at .0044? Why are you still claiming credits. Give it up guru. Move on. Your call to sell at .0044 was wrong. Stop taking credit.

P-GURU posted- """As I said yesterday GOIG's rally has run its course and now is the time to be selling. I may not call the tops perfectly but I am usually pretty darn close. Check out my calls on ZVTK and CBAI. Both of those calls would have saved you over a 50% loss if you had listened to me. GOIG at $.0044 today was a ripe opportunity to SELL."""