Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday Stocks To Watch - CPHG, RNWF, BTDG, FRGY

 CPHG this stock hit a new low today on literally no volume.  The market makers are truly playing games and I think this stock will rally hard short term.  At $.0013 the risk/reward ratio is very small as I expect this stock to trade close to $.01 at some point.  Do the math, that is some potential gain.

RNWF everyone likes seeing their stock go straight up everyday.  While feasible, having a small down day mixed in with the up days creates a healthy run for a stock, while a short term burst higher ultimately ends with a very hard landing.  The longs have been rewarded before with this stock and they will be rewarded again.

BTDG this undiscovered gem closed at $.024 on Thursday.  I think this is just the start of an impressive run.  With only 12 million shares in the float and buying pressure will move this stock much, much higher.  I am putting a short term $.10 target on this stock.

FRGY received some nice buying today.  If this keeps up this stock will be at $.002 before the weekend.  Let's see what happens on Friday.


Unknown said...

GURU thanks for bringing CPHG up again. I don't understand why people do not see the upside in this.

Unknown said...

CPHG up 169.2% Gurus always on point :)

Anonymous said...

Actually it's down 50 - 100 % depending on when you bought last week after he first called it. I'm hopefull for the future but lets not fluff here.

Unknown said...

I was able to average down buying up those low 2s and unloaded them today. So I made up for my initial loss and then some. Not as much as would like, but hey as long as its in the green its all good.