Thursday, June 10, 2010

SSWC - Surging In Late Trade

This chart sums up today's trading action. SSWC has hit new 52 week highs yet again, on some very healthy trading.


Anonymous said...

do u see any pullback in the price as of now????

Hamza Purra said...

hey....wat about IVOI....u had praised the stock quite a lot and now its bidless.....

Anonymous said...

IVOI is not bidless

Anonymous said...

Someone help me out here. My understanding is that R/M's lead to R/S's which have not been kind to me in the past. So why are we hoping for one with SSWC? It seems to be doing just fine on it's own with new product news & a saavy CEO. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

SSWC, Wish I bought today, gonna fly tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

That's a nice looking chart.